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Battery material drying engineering

项目描述:With the rapid development of the global new energy, new materials, coated with broad areas of a battery of new battery materials has become a new field in recent years, the rapid development of its production process requires very revolutionary auxi
应用客户:Zhejiang ** Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
化学工程行业:Other engineering industry
XSG旋转闪蒸干燥机:SZG double cone rotary vacuum dryer
Project Name: Battery material was dried and the organic solvent recovery project

Project Overview:

  With the rapid development of the global new energy, new materials, coated with broad areas of a battery of new battery materials has become a new field in recent years, the rapid development of its production process requires very revolutionary auxiliary equipment to complete, battery materials special equipment should be shipped out of.

  For battery (electromagnetic) material (lithium iron phosphate ternary materials, etc.) related characteristics, the use of dynamic SZG double cone rotary vacuum dryer group, the two series equipment FZG square vacuum drying static and drying unit for efficient recovery volume recovery means by using the actual number of customers, the use of adequate data to prove: the device can meet the requirements of the dried product, quality and stability, but also for the back aspect of superior performance solvent high recovery efficiency.

  The system includes a heating system, the heat medium circulation system, drying system, dust filter system, the solvent recovery system, the vacuum system.

Working principle:

  Transporting raw materials pumped into the drying machine drying tank body, while the heating medium through a pipeline pumping into the heated sandwich dryer, drying machine feedstock through the wall and get the heat is heated under the action of the vacuum system is gradually being taken away moisture the purpose of drying; drying the raw material close to the stage, in order to prevent part of the powder was vacuum extraction, the design using a special filter bags to collect; raw material contained in the organic solvent through a special two condenser to condense the overall recycling rate of 95%.

Engineering Advantage:

  Drying process under negative pressure conditions, even if the solvent-containing medium, but the process is still very safe, and fast-drying, each batch of product drying time is about four hours; drying under reduced pressure conditions, and provided the drying temperature is set relatively low, pump always continue to work, so the stability of product quality; the system is specially designed bag filter, so no dust; two large cooling condensation plant, solvent recovery rate; heating means can be hot water, steam, oil heating; easy special bag filter washable; less the entire unit transmission components, and does not work under stressful conditions, long life unit.

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