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DW multi-belt dryer

Product description
  DW Series Multilayer belt dryer are mass-produced with a continuous drying apparatus for better ventilation sheet, strip, granularDry material, for dehydrated vegetables, catalysts, Chinese Herbal Medicine and other types of high moisture content, and the material does not allow high temperature materials are particularly suitable; the series dryer has a drying speed, high evaporation strength, product quality and good benefits, dehydration cake like paste materials, to be made after granulation or strips before drying.
  DWB series of multi-belt dryer is suitable for mass production of low drying rate of hard dry material, compact structure, small footprint, simple operation, easy maintenance, stable operation. According to the drying characteristics of different materials designed to form a circulating hot air drying, hot air circulation oven is extended and improved, widely used in metallurgical additives, chemical, food, packaging and other fields. With technological progress, improving product technology content, multi-belt dryer is equipped to meet the large-scale production, diversification, centralized control, continuous production capacity. With high efficiency, energy saving, easy management advantages.
Technical Specifications 

Model DW3-1.2-8 DW3-1.2-10 DW3-1.6-8 DW3-1.6-10 DW3-2-8 DW3-2-8
Number of units 4×3 5×3 4×3 5×3 4×3 5×3
Bandwidth(m) 1.2 1.6 2
Long drying section(m) 8×3 10×3 8×3 10×3 8×3 10×3
Shop material thickness(mm) 10-80
Operating temperature(oC) 50-140
Steam pressure(MPa) 0.2-0.8
Steam consumption (kg/h) 360-600 420-720 450-840 480-960 480-960 630-1350
Heat transfer area(m2) 816 1020 1056 1320 1344 1680
Dry strength kg水/h 150-450 220-550 240-600 280-750 280-750 350-900
Number of fans 14 17 14 17 14 17
The total power of the machine(kw) 30.8 37.4 42 51 56 68
Total power (kw) 35.3 41.9 46.5 55.5 60.5 72.5
Dimensions(L×W×H) 9.77×2.2×4.5 11.77×2.2×4.5 9.77×2.6×4.7 11.77×2.6×4.7 9.77×3.06×4.9 11.77×3.06×4.9
Total weight kg 4800×3 5780×3 5400×3 6550×3 6350×3 7800×3

Note: Shown water evaporation drying temperature depends on the material, spreading thickness and residence time may be.


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