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LPG High Speed Centrifugal Spray Dryer
Spray drying is a process liquid process shaping and drying industry is the most widely used. Ideal for generating powdery, granular solid product from the solution, emulsions, suspensions and pasty liquid feedstock. Thus, when the finished product particle size distribution, residual moisture content, bulk density and particle shape must meet the precision standard, the spray drying is an ideal process.
YPG Series Pressure Spray (cooling) Dryer
YPG Series Pressure Spray (cooling) dryer is the use of a pressure atomizer by means of a pressure diaphragm pump solution or slurry material atomized into fine droplets, the surface area increased significantly, by heat exchange with the hot air adequately to the rapid dried (ten seconds to tens of seconds), to thereby obtain fine particles or powder product equipment.
ZLPG family medicine extract spray dryer
Chinese medicine extract high-speed centrifugal spray device is centrifugal spray drying technology in particular material drying, but also high-speed centrifugal atomization allows material dispersed into a mist, and hot air full access, complete instant dried to form a powder drying means finished. Chinese medicine extract dedicated to the dryer is designed to solve medicine Spray and liquid plant pick.
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