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GZL series dry granulator Rolling

Product description
  Extrusion granulation is a relatively new dry granulation process for the production of compound fertilizer. In the field of extrusion granulation fertilizer granulated potassium chloride was first used for blended fertilizers (BB fertilizer) required granular (1-4mm) potassium chloride basically extrusion production. In recent years, extrusion granulation for the production of compound fertilizer in China has been rapid development.
  Form extrusion granulation can have two kinds of rolling the roller and the wheel, the roller-type extrusion is first pressed into chunks, then crushed into granules, the large capacity of this device, high particle strength, low energy consumption, roll extrusion widely used in foreign countries. Wheel rolling type is formed directly on the surface of the roller has a slotted hole shape once extruded shaped particles. Strength of the product is low and sometimes need to add a binder. Suitable for organic fertilizer and fertilizer and other granular fertilizers.
Working principle
  Process principle of roller extrusion granulation are: dry material under pressure into a dense agglomeration of hard chunks (cake material), known as the extrusion process; cake feed pellets again become known as made after crushing and screening granulation process. First, the effect of squeezing the air between the particles squeezed out, the other is to make the distance between particles nearly enough to produce such as van der Waals force, adhesive force, and an embedded crystal bridge connections attraction. Extrusion granulation particles mainly by intermolecular force between the particle strength of the formation.

Technical Specifications
Model Roll center distance Power
GZL-240 240 7.5-1.5
GZL-360 360 22-45
GZL-460 460 37-60
GZL-580 580 45-90
GZL-650 650 55-200
GZL-730 730 90-315


上一条:YK Series Swing Granules
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