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CG Series Forming Machine

Product description
◎ grooved molding machine: composed of a hopper and two grooves engraved roller. Granulated material to increase the surface area for the purpose. The inside of the material to be operated suction roller, the outer blade is inverted into granules.
◎ horizontal extrusion machine: from the hopper, two rollers and a U-shaped vibrating mesh constituted. Material to increase the surface area for the purpose of granulated material in contact with the vibrating mesh, forced by the rotation of the pressure roller extruded net, the formation of cylindrical particles.
◎ roll granulator: from the hopper, two rollers and vibrating mesh constituted. To increase the area of the material for the purpose of the granulator. Material in contact with the vibrating mesh, left and right through the roller is reciprocated to force the material squeezing net, forming circular shaped particles.

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